How Much Does House Cleaning Services Cost in Greensboro, NC?

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In general, house cleaning services in Greensboro, NC will cost between $115-$248, or $0.08-$0.14 per square foot, with the actual cost being determined by services required. Janitorial Service Bids has all the answers to your home cleaning needs.

House Cleaning Cost Calculator

Residential Janitorial Service Prices

Average House Cleaning Cost in Greensboro, NC

House Size – Square Feet Average Cost 
0–1,000 sq. ft $153–$243
1,001–2,000 sq. ft $155–$257
2,001–4,000 sq. ft $177–$322

Reliable House Cleaners in Greensboro, NC

The Maids
315 S Westgate Dr suite h
Greensboro, NC 27407

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Molly Maid
1601-H E Bessemer Ave
Greensboro, NC 27405

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Maid 2 Glimmer
717 Green Valley Rd Suite 200
Greensboro, NC 27408

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TCE Cleaning
2307 West Cone Blvd Suite 150 EFG
Greensboro, NC 27408

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Zip Codes Served: 27214, 27235, 27282, 27301, 27313, 27358, 27401, 27403, 27405, 27406, 27407, 27408, 27409, 27410, 27455

Decoding House Cleaning Costs in Greensboro, NC

As someone who has spent years in the home improvement industry, I’ve seen firsthand the variation in house cleaning costs – especially here in Greensboro, NC. You might be wondering, what factors influence these costs and how can you get the best value for your money? Let’s dive in.

Average Cost for House Cleaning Services

So, what’s the usual going rate? While the cost can range significantly depending on various factors, an average homeowner in Greensboro may spend anywhere from $100 to $200 for a standard house cleaning service. But why this range, you ask?

  • Size of Your Home: Larger homes require more cleaning and therefore, take more time and effort. Thus, they usually cost more to clean.
  • Frequency of Cleaning: Whether you need a one-time deep cleaning or regular maintenance can significantly alter your costs.
  • Type of Service: Standard cleaning usually includes vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and tidying up. However, if you require specialized services like window cleaning, expect to pay a little extra.

Getting the Best Bang for Your Buck

Now, let’s talk about maximizing your investment. After all, it’s not just about finding the cheapest service, right? It’s about finding a service that provides great results and value for money.

  1. Do Your Homework: Start by researching different companies. Look at their reviews, services offered, and pricing. You’d be surprised at how much you can learn from other customers’ experiences.
  2. Ask the Right Questions: Don’t shy away from asking questions. Understand what’s included in the service, ask about their cleaning supplies, and whether they offer any guarantees. It’s your home, after all!
  3. Consider Green Cleaning: More and more cleaning services are offering eco-friendly cleaning options. Not only is this good for the environment, but it can also be healthier for your family.

What Type of Solution Do You Need?

Commercial Offices

Building Cleaning

Restaurant Cleaning

Industrial Cleaning

Warehouse Cleaning

Car Dealerships

Health Club/Gym Cleaning

Dental Office Cleaning

Hotel Cleaning

Bank Cleaning

Remember, the aim is to find a cleaning service that suits your needs and budget. Happy cleaning!

Keep the Environment Clean

Greensboro, North Carolina has a typical annual rainfall of 45 inches. July is the hottest month with the average high being around 88 degrees Fahrenheit. January brings cold nighttime temperatures with lows that get down below freezing. These extreme temperatures can certainly have an impact on the local environment.

Map of Service Area:


Cost to Clean 1200 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 1500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 3000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 4000 Sq Foot House