How Much Does House Cleaning Services Cost in Miami, FL?

Discover how Janitorial Service Bids can help you with your cleaning services. Get in touch today and request a quote!

In general, house cleaning services in Miami, FL will cost between $114-$248, or $0.09-$0.14 per square foot, with the actual cost being determined by services required. Janitorial Service Bids has all the answers to your home cleaning needs.

House Cleaning Cost Calculator

Residential Janitorial Service Prices

Average House Cleaning Cost in Miami, FL

House Size – Square Feet Average Cost 
0–1,000 sq. ft $152–$242
1,001–2,000 sq. ft $157–$254
2,001–4,000 sq. ft $174–$324

Reliable House Cleaners in Miami, FL

3135 SW 3rd Ave
Miami, FL 33129

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Maid Green Miami
941 NE 79th St
Miami, FL 33138

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Maid Svc
1010 Brickell Ave Unit 3701
Miami, FL 33131

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Nekoblue Cleaning Services
333 SE 2nd Ave suite 2000
Miami, FL 33131

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Zip Codes Served: 33101, 33109, 33125, 33126, 33127, 33128, 33129, 33130, 33131, 33132, 33133, 33134, 33135, 33136, 33137, 33138, 33139, 33142, 33144, 33145, 33146

How Much Does House Cleaning Cost in Miami, FL?

Greetings, fellow Miami residents! Are you looking to maintain a sparkling clean home but unsure about the cost of house cleaning services in Miami, FL? As someone with extensive experience as a contractor in the home improvement niche, I’m here to provide you with helpful suggestions and shed light on the factors that influence house cleaning costs.

1. Size of Your Home

The size of your home plays a significant role in determining the cost of cleaning services. Larger homes generally require more time and effort to clean thoroughly, which can impact the overall price. Whether you live in a cozy apartment or a spacious mansion, the size of your dwelling will be a key consideration when seeking professional house cleaning assistance.

2. Cleaning Frequency

How often you choose to have your home cleaned is another factor that affects the cost. Some individuals prefer a weekly cleaning routine to maintain a consistently tidy living space, while others opt for bi-weekly or monthly cleanings. The more frequent the visits, the more affordable the rates tend to be, as regular maintenance reduces the level of deep cleaning required.

3. Specific Cleaning Services

Consider the specific cleaning services you require when estimating the costs. Standard cleaning tasks typically include dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and bathroom sanitization. However, you might also need additional services such as window cleaning, carpet steaming, or oven deep-cleaning. Each extra service will contribute to the overall cost, so be sure to communicate your requirements clearly when requesting quotes.

4. Level of Clutter and Dirt

It’s essential to assess the level of clutter and dirt present in your home before hiring professional cleaners. If your living space is particularly messy or hasn’t been thoroughly cleaned in a while, it may require more time and effort to restore it to a pristine condition. Higher levels of clutter and dirt can influence the cost as they demand additional work from the cleaning professionals.

5. Location in Miami

The location of your home within Miami can also impact house cleaning costs. Different neighborhoods may have varying price ranges based on factors like accessibility, distance, and local competition. Homes in downtown Miami or upscale areas may tend to have higher rates compared to suburban or less populated regions. It’s always wise to inquire about location-specific pricing when seeking professional cleaners.

What Type of Solution Do You Need?

Commercial Offices

Building Cleaning

Restaurant Cleaning

Industrial Cleaning

Warehouse Cleaning

Car Dealerships

Health Club/Gym Cleaning

Dental Office Cleaning

Hotel Cleaning

Bank Cleaning

In conclusion, the cost of house cleaning in Miami, FL, depends on several factors, including the size of your home, cleaning frequency, specific services required, level of clutter and dirt, and the location of your residence. By considering these aspects, you’ll be able to make informed decisions and find the right cleaning service that suits your needs and budget.

Keep the Environment Clean

Miami, Florida is a beautiful city with an incredible climate. The average annual rainfall amounts to 59 inches and the hottest month of August sees temperatures reaching 89 degrees Fahrenheit. Winters never get too cold either with lows that get down into the 60s on average. These extreme temperatures can certainly have an impact on the local environment.

Map of Service Area:


Cost to Clean 1200 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 1500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 3000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 4000 Sq Foot House