How Much Does House Cleaning Services Cost in Montana?

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Use this calculator to find out how much house cleaning services cost in Montana. America’s trusted cost guide for janitorial services.

House Cleaning Cost Calculator

Residential Janitorial Service Prices

Average House Cleaning Cost in Montana

House Size – Square Feet Average Cost 
0–1,000 sq. ft $144–$228
1,001–2,000 sq. ft $148–$252
2,001–4,000 sq. ft $160–$191

Average House Cleaning Prices and Rates. The average hourly rate for house cleaning services in Montana is $40 to $74 per employee or $77 to $125 per hour. The square footage of your home and the cleaning services needed will drive the actual price of these services. Popular cleaning services include:

  • Floor Cleaning, Vacuuming, Moping
  • Bathroom Cleaning
  • Window Washing
  • Laundry Services
  • Kitchen and Appliance Cleaning
  • Trash Removal
  • Baseboard Cleaning


Cost to Clean 1200 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 1500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 3000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 4000 Sq Foot House

Understanding House Cleaning Costs in Montana

Greetings! If you’re looking for insights into house cleaning costs in Montana, you’ve come to the right place. As someone who has worked as a contractor in the home improvement niche, I’ve gained valuable experience in this field. Let’s delve into the factors that affect house cleaning costs and provide some helpful suggestions for you.

Factors Influencing House Cleaning Costs

When it comes to determining house cleaning costs, several factors come into play. These factors vary from region to region, and Montana is no exception. Here are some key elements that can affect the overall cost:

  • Size of the property: Larger houses generally require more time and effort to clean, which can impact the cost.
  • Level of cleanliness: If your home hasn’t been cleaned in a while or requires deep cleaning, it may involve additional labor and resources, leading to higher costs.
  • Frequency of cleaning: Regular cleaning maintenance tends to be more cost-effective than sporadic deep cleaning sessions. Consider setting up a recurring cleaning schedule.
  • Specific cleaning requirements: Certain tasks like carpet cleaning, window washing, or upholstery cleaning may require specialized equipment or expertise, resulting in additional costs.
  • Location: Different areas in Montana may have varying average cleaning rates due to local market dynamics.

Suggestions for Managing House Cleaning Costs

Now that we understand the factors influencing house cleaning costs, let’s explore some suggestions to help you manage your expenses without compromising on the cleanliness of your home:

  1. Get multiple quotes: It’s always a good idea to request quotes from different cleaning service providers in your area. This allows you to compare prices and services to make an informed decision.
  2. Prioritize cleaning tasks: If you have a limited budget, focus on the areas that require immediate attention. By prioritizing cleaning tasks, you can address the most essential aspects and allocate your resources wisely.
  3. Consider bundling services: Many cleaning companies offer package deals for regular cleaning or a combination of different services. Bundling can often result in cost savings compared to hiring individual services separately.
  4. Opt for eco-friendly cleaning: Some cleaning companies offer environmentally friendly cleaning options. While these services may have slightly higher upfront costs, they can provide long-term benefits for your health and the environment.
  5. Maintain a clean environment: Regularly cleaning and maintaining your home can help minimize the need for deep cleaning sessions, saving you money in the long run. Encourage family members to contribute to the cleanliness of the house on a daily basis.

I hope these suggestions help you navigate the world of house cleaning costs in Montana. Remember, it’s essential to strike a balance between cost-effectiveness and maintaining a clean and healthy living space. Happy cleaning!

What Type of Solution Do You Need?

Commercial Offices

Building Cleaning

Restaurant Cleaning

Industrial Cleaning

Warehouse Cleaning

Car Dealerships

Health Club/Gym Cleaning

Dental Office Cleaning

Hotel Cleaning

Bank Cleaning

POPULAR CITIES SERVED: Billings, MT; Missoula, MT; Great Falls, MT; Bozeman, MT

Calculate the Montana House Cleaning Cost by Cleaning Type

Cleaning Service Cleaning Cost
Bathroom Scrubbing & Cleaning $0.11–$0.21 per sq. ft
Floor Vacuuming & Shampooing $0.08–$0.14 per sq. ft
Kitchen & Appliance Cleaning $0.27–$1.00 per sq. ft
Baseboard Cleaning $0.08–$0.19 per sq. ft
Window Cleaning $1.75–$3.00 per window

Discover More on House Cleaning Pricing and Rates

Montana Zip Codes Where We Provide House Cleaning Services

59001, 59002, 59820, 59710, 59311, 59711, 59312, 59211, 59821, 59003, 59410, 59713, 59411, 59212, 59313, 59006, 59631, 59007, 59008, 59714, 59412, 59314, 59910, 59520, 59716, 59011, 59911, 59010, 59102, 59101, 59105, 59106, 59012, 59414, 59315, 59823, 59632, 59521, 59013, 59718, 59715, 59416, 59014, 59317, 59015, 59213, 59214, 59417, 59318, 59418, 59016, 59701, 59750, 59703, 59419, 59720, 59633, 59721, 59420, 59421, 59824, 59522, 59523, 59422,

59215, 59634, 59825, 59018, 59424, 59322, 59323, 59912, 59019, 59826, 59827, 59425, 59020, 59913, 59828, 59217, 59022, 59218, 59024, 59427, 59219, 59829, 59914, 59830, 59025, 59722, 59724, 59430, 59725, 59727, 59831, 59524, 59832, 59432, 59433, 59434, 59635, 59026, 59324, 59728, 59915, 59027, 59729, 59916, 59917, 59436, 59221, 59326, 59028, 59222, 59833, 59440, 59441, 59327, 59442, 59636, 59223, 59443, 59918, 59225,

59834, 59226, 59029, 59444, 59730, 59030, 59731, 59031, 59446, 59447, 59525, 59230, 59732, 59330, 59240, 59733, 59032, 59405, 59404, 59401, 59033, 59837, 59840, 59332, 59034, 59526, 59036, 59735, 59333, 59842, 59501, 59527, 59448, 59601, 59602, 59843, 59844, 59450, 59451, 59528, 59241, 59452, 59529, 59242, 59845, 59919, 59037, 59846, 59038, 59039, 59530, 59336, 59736, 59638, 59041, 59531, 59337, 59453, 59901, 59454,

59920, 59338, 59532, 59922, 59243, 59043, 59244, 59044, 59046, 59456, 59457, 59923, 59739, 59639, 59339, 59047, 59535, 59050, 59847, 59460, 59848, 59537, 59461, 59538, 59741, 59925, 59926, 59053, 59640, 59740, 59052, 59247, 59743, 59054, 59055, 59301, 59851, 59801, 59808, 59802, 59803, 59804, 59462, 59057, 59463, 59464, 59058, 59059, 59248, 59465, 59745, 59853, 59061, 59466, 59343, 59927, 59250, 59062, 59252, 59854,

59855, 59856, 59063, 59253, 59467, 59858, 59841, 59859, 59254, 59344, 59746, 59928, 59860, 59064, 59747, 59255, 59468, 59065, 59929, 59066, 59748, 59067, 59863, 59256, 59469, 59068, 59257, 59069, 59258, 59930, 59259, 59260, 59642, 59070, 59931, 59864, 59071, 59347, 59072, 59471, 59540, 59074, 59261, 59865, 59231, 59866, 59075, 59867, 59472, 59077, 59076, 59262, 59263, 59868, 59078, 59474, 59079, 59749, 59270, 59081,

59751, 59477, 59932, 59082, 59479, 59870, 59480, 59933, 59871, 59483, 59482, 59872, 59484, 59349, 59873, 59752, 59643, 59644, 59934, 59874, 59935, 59542, 59754, 59085, 59485, 59486, 59487, 59875, 59274, 59755, 59351, 59756, 59936, 59758, 59275, 59645, 59937, 59759, 59276, 59544, 59545, 59353, 59354, 59760, 59086, 59489, 59087, 59647, 59761, 59762, 59648, 59201, 59088, 59089, 59035, 59546, 59547

Map of Service Area: