How Much Does House Cleaning Services Cost in Montgomery, AL?

Discover how Janitorial Service Bids can help you with your cleaning services. Get in touch today and request a quote!

In general, house cleaning services in Montgomery, AL will cost between $114-$247, or $0.09-$0.13 per square foot, with the actual cost being determined by services required. Janitorial Service Bids has all the answers to your home cleaning needs.

House Cleaning Cost Calculator

Residential Janitorial Service Prices

Average House Cleaning Cost in Montgomery, AL

House Size – Square Feet Average Cost 
0–1,000 sq. ft $154–$243
1,001–2,000 sq. ft $155–$255
2,001–4,000 sq. ft $172–$323

Reliable House Cleaners in Montgomery, AL

Two Maids & A Mop
2820 Fairlane Dr
Montgomery, AL 36116

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Above & Beyond Residential Cleaning Service
1719 Wentworth Dr
Montgomery, AL 36106

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4137 Carmichael Rd Ste 110
Montgomery, AL 36106

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Quality Cleaning Service PLUS LLC
5295 Vaughn Rd Suite 21
Montgomery, AL 36116

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Zip Codes Served: 36043, 36064, 36104, 36105, 36106, 36107, 36108, 36109, 36110, 36111, 36112, 36113, 36115, 36116, 36117

Considering House Cleaning Costs in Montgomery, AL

Greetings! As someone with direct experience as a contractor in the home improvement niche, I understand the importance of maintaining a clean and tidy living space. If you’re in Montgomery, AL, and seeking professional house cleaning services, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the associated costs. Let’s explore some factors to consider when it comes to house cleaning expenses.

1. Size and Layout of Your Home

The size and layout of your home play a significant role in determining the cost of cleaning services. A larger house with multiple floors and numerous rooms will generally require more time and effort to clean thoroughly. Cleaning companies often consider square footage, the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and additional areas like basements or attics when providing estimates. Keep in mind that larger homes may incur higher costs due to the increased workload involved.

2. Frequency of Cleaning

The frequency at which you require cleaning services can impact the overall costs. If you opt for regular cleaning on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, cleaning companies might offer discounted rates. Regular maintenance helps maintain a consistently clean environment and can prevent the buildup of dirt and grime, reducing the time and effort needed for each cleaning session. However, if you need one-time deep cleaning or sporadic services, the costs might be higher.

3. Specific Cleaning Tasks

The specific cleaning tasks you want to be performed can also influence the costs. Standard cleaning services typically include dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens. However, additional tasks such as window cleaning, carpet or upholstery cleaning, or specialized cleaning for specific areas like garages or outdoor spaces might incur extra charges. Discuss your specific requirements with the cleaning company to get an accurate estimate.

4. Cleaning Company Rates and Reputation

When considering house cleaning costs, it’s crucial to research and compare rates from different cleaning companies in Montgomery, AL. Keep in mind that the rates may vary based on the company’s reputation, experience, and the quality of services they provide. While it may be tempting to opt for the cheapest option, ensure that the company is reputable and has positive customer reviews to ensure a satisfactory cleaning experience.

5. Additional Factors to Consider

There are a few more factors worth considering when evaluating house cleaning costs. These include:

  • The level of clutter and organization in your home.
  • Whether you have pets that may require additional cleaning.
  • If you have specific cleaning product preferences or if you want eco-friendly cleaning options.
  • Whether you require extra services like laundry or ironing.
  • If you have any special requests or areas of focus.

What Type of Solution Do You Need?

Commercial Offices

Building Cleaning

Restaurant Cleaning

Industrial Cleaning

Warehouse Cleaning

Car Dealerships

Health Club/Gym Cleaning

Dental Office Cleaning

Hotel Cleaning

Bank Cleaning

By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision and hire a cleaning service that best suits your needs and budget. Remember, investing in a clean home not only enhances its appearance but also contributes to a healthier and more comfortable living environment for you and your family.

Keep the Environment Clean

Montgomery is a city that has it all. The winters are short and mild, and the springs are pleasant with their warm autumns. The average highs in the summer usually stay around the 90s while the winter lows stay around the 30s and 40s on average. These extreme temperatures can certainly have an impact on the local environment.

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Cost to Clean 1200 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 1500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 3000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 4000 Sq Foot House