How Much Does House Cleaning Services Cost in Moreno Valley, CA?

Discover how Janitorial Service Bids can help you with your cleaning services. Get in touch today and request a quote!

In general, house cleaning services in Moreno Valley, CA will cost between $114-$243, or $0.05-$0.18 per square foot, with the actual cost being determined by services required. Janitorial Service Bids has all the answers to your home cleaning needs.

House Cleaning Cost Calculator

Residential Janitorial Service Prices

Average House Cleaning Cost in Moreno Valley, CA

House Size – Square Feet Average Cost 
0–1,000 sq. ft $154–$243
1,001–2,000 sq. ft $155–$254
2,001–4,000 sq. ft $172–$321

Reliable House Cleaners in Moreno Valley, CA

12334 Riparian Way
Moreno Valley, CA 92557

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Scott’s Cleaning Service
16010 Rancho Del Lago
Moreno Valley, CA 92551

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Sparkle Cleaning Services
12650 Memorial Way #2163
Moreno Valley, CA 92553

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IE Cleaning Service
Hemlock Ave
Moreno Valley, CA 92557

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Zip Codes Served: 92507, 92508, 92518, 92551, 92553, 92555, 92557, 92571

How Much Does House Cleaning Cost in Moreno Valley, CA?

Are you looking for professional house cleaning services in Moreno Valley, CA, but unsure about the costs involved? As someone who has worked as a contractor in the home improvement niche, I understand the importance of a clean and tidy home. In this article, I’ll provide you with some helpful suggestions and reasons for considering the costs of house cleaning services in Moreno Valley.

The Size and Condition of Your Home

One of the key factors that determine the cost of house cleaning is the size and condition of your home. Larger homes require more time and effort to clean, so it’s natural that the cost will be higher. Additionally, if your home hasn’t been regularly cleaned or if there are specific areas that require extra attention, such as heavily soiled carpets or stained surfaces, the cleaning service may charge additional fees to address those needs.

Frequency of Cleaning

Another important factor to consider is the frequency of cleaning. If you require regular cleaning services, such as weekly or bi-weekly visits, many cleaning companies offer discounted rates for recurring clients. On the other hand, if you only need a one-time deep cleaning or occasional touch-ups, the cost may be slightly higher since it involves more intensive work. It’s worth discussing your specific cleaning needs and frequency with the cleaning service provider to get a more accurate estimate.

Additional Services and Customization

Cleaning companies often offer additional services beyond standard cleaning. These can include window cleaning, carpet shampooing, upholstery cleaning, and more. If you require any of these specialized services, they may come at an additional cost. Moreover, some cleaning companies offer customizable packages where you can select specific areas or tasks you want them to focus on. Customization adds flexibility but may impact the overall cost depending on the extent of your requirements.

Local Market Rates and Competition

The cost of house cleaning services can also vary based on the local market rates and competition in Moreno Valley, CA. It’s a good idea to research and compare prices from multiple cleaning service providers in your area. Keep in mind that while price is important, it’s equally essential to consider the quality of service provided. Look for reputable companies with positive customer reviews to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

What Type of Solution Do You Need?

Commercial Offices

Building Cleaning

Restaurant Cleaning

Industrial Cleaning

Warehouse Cleaning

Car Dealerships

Health Club/Gym Cleaning

Dental Office Cleaning

Hotel Cleaning

Bank Cleaning

In conclusion, when determining the cost of house cleaning in Moreno Valley, CA, factors such as the size and condition of your home, the frequency of cleaning, additional services, and the local market rates all come into play. To get an accurate estimate, it’s advisable to reach out to different cleaning service providers and discuss your specific needs. By doing so, you can make an informed decision and find a professional house cleaning service that suits both your budget and requirements.

Keep the Environment Clean

The Moreno Valley in California is known for its high temperatures. August, on average the high is 97° Fahrenheit makes it a very hot month while December delivers some cold nights with lows that get into the 30s. These extreme temperatures can certainly have an impact on the local environment.

Map of Service Area:


Cost to Clean 1200 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 1500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 3000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 4000 Sq Foot House