How Much Does House Cleaning Services Cost in New York, NY?

Discover how Janitorial Service Bids can help you with your cleaning services. Get in touch today and request a quote!

In general, house cleaning services in New York, NY will cost between $150-$375, or $0.09-$0.19 per square foot, with the actual cost being determined by services required. Janitorial Service Bids has all the answers to your home cleaning needs.

House Cleaning Cost Calculator

Residential Janitorial Service Prices

Average House Cleaning Cost in New York City

House Size – Square Feet Average Cost 
0–1,000 sq. ft $150–$260
1,001–2,000 sq. ft $170–$325
2,001–4,000 sq. ft $205–$490

Keep the Environment Clean

New York City’s commitment to environmentalism is unparalleled. From lofty heightened standards for taxis, buses, and other modes of transportation that require fossil fuels in the form of electricity as their prime source (to reduce carbon footprint), it can be said with confidence there is no other municipality that has done more than this one when looking at reducing its own personal impact on Earth cities’ environments.

Reliable House Cleaners in New York, NY

Luxury Cleaning
529 E 5th St
New York, NY 10009

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eMaids Cleaning of NYC
244 5th Ave Ste K 262
New York, NY 10001

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247 W 35th St # 9r
New York, NY 10001

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Clean NYC
5 W 37th St
New York, NY 10018

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Zip Codes Served: 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007, 10009, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10013, 10014, 10016, 10017, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10023, 10024, 10025, 10026, 10027, 10028, 10029, 10030, 10031, 10032, 10033, 10034, 10035, 10036, 10037, 10038, 10039, 10040, 10044, 10065, 10069, 10075, 10103, 10110, 10111, 10112, 10115, 10119, 10128, 10152, 10153, 10154, 10162, 10165, 10167, 10168, 10169, 10170, 10171, 10172, 10173, 10174, 10177, 10199, 10271, 10278, 10279, 10280, 10282, 10301, 10302, 10303, 10304, 10305, 10306, 10307, 10308, 10309, 10310, 10311, 10312, 10314, 10451, 10452, 10453, 10454, 10455, 10456, 10457, 10458, 10459, 10460, 10461, 10462, 10463, 10464, 10465, 10466, 10467, 10468, 10469, 10470, 10471, 10472, 10473, 10474, 10475, 11001

The Costs of House Cleaning in New York, NY: What You Need to Know

As someone who’s been knee-deep in the home improvement niche, I can tell you that one of the questions I hear most often is, “how much does house cleaning cost in New York, NY?” Well, let’s dive into this headfirst and shed some light on this common query.

1. The Typical Costs Involved

The cost of house cleaning in New York can vary quite a bit. On average, you might find yourself spending anywhere between $120 to $240 for a typical apartment cleaning. But why the wide range, you ask? Well, the cost depends on several factors.

  • Size of your home: A sprawling 5-bedroom apartment is going to cost more to clean than a cozy studio, naturally.
  • Level of dirtiness: If your home hasn’t seen a mop or a vacuum in months, prepare to shell out a bit more.
  • Specific services required: Need your oven scrubbed or your windows washed? Specialized services often come with additional costs.

2. Why It’s Worth the Expense

Now, I can hear you asking, “Is the cost really worth it?” The short answer? Absolutely! And here’s why:

  1. Save Time: New Yorkers are always on the move. Outsourcing cleaning tasks gives you more time to spend on the things you love.
  2. Professional Standards: Professional cleaning services have the expertise to clean your home in ways you might not even have considered. They can make your home sparkle!
  3. Less Stress: Fewer chores mean less stress. Imagine coming home to a clean and organized space after a hectic day at work. Bliss, right?

What Type of Solution Do You Need?

Commercial Offices

Building Cleaning

Restaurant Cleaning

Industrial Cleaning

Warehouse Cleaning

Car Dealerships

Health Club/Gym Cleaning

Dental Office Cleaning

Hotel Cleaning

Bank Cleaning

To sum up, house cleaning costs in New York, NY can seem steep, but considering the convenience and the stellar results, it’s an investment that’s often worth making. Plus, remember that the cost varies greatly based on your specific needs. You might just find it’s more affordable than you think! So, are you ready to trade that mop for more free time?

Map of Service Area:


Cost to Clean 1200 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 1500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 3000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 4000 Sq Foot House