How Much Does House Cleaning Services Cost in Alabama?

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Use this calculator to find out how much house cleaning services cost in Alabama. America’s trusted cost guide for janitorial services.

House Cleaning Cost Calculator

Residential Janitorial Service Prices

Average House Cleaning Cost in Alabama

House Size – Square Feet Average Cost 
0–1,000 sq. ft $143–$228
1,001–2,000 sq. ft $148–$250
2,001–4,000 sq. ft $160–$190

Average House Cleaning Prices and Rates. The average hourly rate for house cleaning services in Alabama is $40 to $75 per employee or $75 to $125 per hour. The square footage of your home and the cleaning services needed will drive the actual price of these services. Popular cleaning services include:

  • Floor Cleaning, Vacuuming, Moping
  • Bathroom Cleaning
  • Window Washing
  • Laundry Services
  • Kitchen and Appliance Cleaning
  • Trash Removal
  • Baseboard Cleaning


Cost to Clean 1200 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 1500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 2500 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 3000 Sq Foot House

Cost to Clean 4000 Sq Foot House

POPULAR CITIES SERVED:  Huntsville, ALMobile; ALBirmingham, AL; Hoover, AL; Tuscaloosa, AL; Montgomery, AL;

Calculate the Alabama House Cleaning Cost by Cleaning Type

Cleaning Service Cleaning Cost
Bathroom Scrubbing & Cleaning $0.10–$0.21 per sq. ft
Floor Vacuuming & Shampooing $0.08–$0.15 per sq. ft
Kitchen & Appliance Cleaning $0.27–$1.00 per sq. ft
Baseboard Cleaning $0.08–$0.17 per sq. ft
Window Cleaning $1.75–$3.00 per window

Discover More on House Cleaning Pricing and Rates

House Cleaning Services in Montgomery, House Cleaning Services in Birmingham, House Cleaning Services in Huntsville, House Cleaning Services in Mobile

Alabama Zip Codes Where We Provide House Cleaning Services 


35061, 35064, 35068, 35094, 35117, 35126, 35127, 35203, 35204, 35205, 35206, 35207, 35208, 35209, 35210, 35212, 35213, 35215, 35217, 35218, 35221, 35222, 35223, 35228, 35233, 35234, 35235, 35242, 35243, 35254


35649, 35741, 35757, 35758, 35759, 35763, 35801, 35802, 35803, 35805, 35806, 35808, 35810, 35811, 35816, 35824, 35896


36043, 36064, 36104, 36105, 36106, 36107, 36108, 36109, 36110, 36111, 36112, 36113, 36115, 36116, 36117


36575, 36602, 36603, 36604, 36605, 36606, 36607, 36608, 36609, 36613, 36615, 36617, 36618, 36619, 36688, 36693, 36695

More Alabama Zip Codes we serve:

36310, 35005, 35540, 35006, 35441, 35007, 36720, 35950, 35951, 35010, 35011, 36250, 35442, 35013, 35014, 35015, 35952, 36420, 36421, 35610, 36201, 36202, 36204, 36205, 36206, 36207, 35016, 35739, 36311, 35541, 36722, 36312, 36251, 35953, 35611, 35612, 35613, 35614, 36502, 36503, 36504, 35954, 36830, 36831, 36832, 36849, 36003, 36505, 35019, 36005

Map of Service Area: